Monday, February 16, 2009

WA-5 draft 1

By everyone’s reckoning, it was a beautiful day. The birds were singing and the squirrels were frolicking throughout the sunny glade, creating an atmosphere of peaceful joy. I thought again of the Prince I was to be marrying soon. Keeping a mantra of palace, palace, palace, going in my head, I tried to imagine all the sumptuous delights I would enjoy without my stepsisters to ruin them. Thinking of stepsisters, I realized that the turtledoves that I had assumed were my mother’s spirit were on my shoulders. I wasn’t so sure about the spirit thing anymore, I couldn’t imagine my mother pecking anyone’s eyes out, even if they were quite revolting. By the time I had calmed myself, we were walking down the aisle.
Heaving my tulle monster up to the dais where the Prince was standing was not easy. Let’s just say that between my father and I it happened, and leave it at that. I gave a nod to the priest who seemed to share my feelings of anxiety. But, he managed to begin the ceremony and lulled by his voice I started to relax. I looked at my Prince, seeking reassurance. Instead, I found myself looking at the lines around his eyes; wait- how old is he?? I’m fifteen, I can’t actually be marrying anyone who has lines around his eyes! And what did I actually know about the Prince? I had only met him four days ago at the festival, what if he was some crazy princess killer? I looked back at the Prince, who now seemed fairly ominous. The two white turtledoves were getting heavier and heavier on my shoulders, and they looked at me with their beady black eyes, and I just saw the other girls’ mutilated faces staring back at me. Suddenly, everyone was looking at me.
-You need to say ‘I do’, the Prince said, with a dangerous edge to his voice.
-Well, I replied, I don’t. The crowd’s shocked expression didn‘t help, and the birds were frankly malicious.
-I don’t. I don’t want to marry this Prince. I don’t even know him. For all I know he’s gonna kill me as soon as I get through the palace doors! I mean, he bloody well tried to marry both my stepsisters first cause they chopped off bits of their feet, I mean hello! This guy is an idiot!
However, the crowd was still trying to process the ‘bloody’ I had accidentally thrown in there. If anything, this set me off even more.
-Yes, I can swear. Bloody bloody bloody!! You morons just bloody well almost saw me get married to a psychopath, and did nothing about it! What should I do with you idiots?! AGGGGGGGHHHH!!!!
Ripping off the bottom half off of the tulle monstrosity, I ran to the lovely ‘just married’ carriage waiting at the end of the aisle. I threw the footman off, took the reins in my hand, cracked the whip, and galloped off into the sunset.
-Thank God you got out of that one, mate, the priest said sadly, patting the Prince on the shoulder.

1 comment:

Ms. Wiesner said...

Very creative. Take the perspective of the groom for your second perspective. How does he feel about marrying this girl?