Sunday, September 21, 2008

WA-1 Draft 2

I didn't hate moving. Coming back to the places I hadn't seen in a year, seeing the people I had missed, those were the good bits. The leaving was the hard part, the friends that I have left behind, not being able to go back to buildings that I walked by every day. It wasn't the the really big things that bothered me; it was the small ones, the stores I went to, the shoes I wore, the people I saw but never really noticed. The little ones that you don't even think of before you leave; the ones that hit you when you're halfway there, on a plane above the Atlantic: flying home, though I wasn't even sure if it was home anymore.

Flying back, we saw Greenland from the window. I've never seen anything else like it, these giant glaciers steadily flowing into the ocean. I can't help wondering if anyone has ever walked on that land, climbed these mountains: it seems so perfect, so undisturbed by the horrors of out modern world. When I look behind us, to the edge of the ocean- there is nothing to call it but an edge, the land just stops- I can see the icebergs. From here they look just like little white dots: specks of white on the icy blue of the ocean, like a robin's egg. They are so beautiful in themselves that I don't have actual words to describe them.

I had missed it here, the sunny days and the warm weather, so unlike England's constant rain and clouds. But I still can't believe I'm not in Oxford anymore. I can't accept that I can't just go to Lush, or to one of the plays I had meant to see, but never got around to, like the version of Animal Farm Creation was doing. There was so much history there; as I was walking around on my last day, I finally saw it for what it really was: the buildings that I had walked by every day all year seemed different, more powerful. They had been there for over five hundred years; I hadn't even made the slightest impression during my brief stay. The ruins of Godstow Abbey, Carfax tower, they had all been just another landmark, a place to meet friends.

After the plane landed, we drove back to my aunt's house, to rest. So many people are here now, there's a party, dozens of people asking questions, buzzing in my head like flies. I'm so tired, so very very tired. Not of my family, it's not their fault, and I still love them and am very glad to see them; just not now, not with my fuzzy brain telling me to sleep and forget everyone around me. I want to forget about school in two short days, about all the errands I need to run before then, about the people that I will need to see when I get back to make sure I have a school to go to. I finally went downstairs to a bed, and try and sleep the damned jet lag off.

I'm back home, to where I've spent most of my life. I'd forgotten how beautiful it is here, but getting used to being back was still hard. Not as hard as I thought it would be, but still confusing. I can't remember where places are, I can't yet find my way to any of my classes without help; people who look vaguely familiar but I can't think of their name, but thankfully my friends are there, and so far, I've been managing. I haven't been to the actual town yet, just to a few stores and school. I want to go out, but I haven't had the time.

When I open my eyes in the morning I can't always remember where I am. A few seconds later I realize, but still, I'm missing the other place, where I could have woken up.I am glad to be home, very happy to be back, not quite here yet in my mind; but I have time to get used to it here. I'm looking forward to my life, three more years of high school, American style; going to college, all sorts of things I haven't done yet, but I will. I could do them in England, but somehow it seems more real here, like my actual life had been put on pause while I was gone.

But, hey, I'm home, and that's all I have to say about that. I know the things I can change, and the things I can't, and I wouldn't change any of this, even if I could, I've moved on, and I'm ready to take charge of my life here, in America.

1 comment:

vonstorche0809 said...

hey its ellie.
here is the link that has the timeline on it. you don't have to do all the dates that come after 1947, you can just pick the ones that seem most important. thanks!